
Mini Importation Mentoring & Mastery

I would like to show you the ONLY TRUTH those “experts” have refused to reveal to you before starting mini importation business.

Please watch the short secret below👇

There is Something MORE than importing from China that I need to tell you Right Now.

You may have come across a lot of promises from the “online experts” on mini importation training, WhatsApp Group masterclasses and probably paid a lot.


Kindly spare me just few minutes of your time…


If you’d like to finally master every single truth about mini importation business and what it genuinely takes to start a profitable business and own your space this 2023, this will be the most important letter you read this year.


Let’s say that you have not imported from China either because you are still not sure how it works or you are still struggling with who to trust not to get scammed.


You might still be considering which genuine procurement agent or shipping company to ship your goods from China to Nigeria without repeating the same bad stories on shipping companies and dangerous procurement agents.


If I didn’t guess well, please read along…


You might be curious and excited to import products from China at a very cheap rate to your country and then make three to five times on profits.


You’re not alone, I was in the same shoe when I was starting mini importation in 2017.


Mini Importation business is lucrative…that you can buy hair a loss product at ₦2000 ($5) and sell it between ₦5,000 ($12) to ₦10000 ($20) and people will still rush it.


It is simply a smart business. Starting from the buying of goods, paying your suppliers, shipping to your address and finally selling to customers at the comfort of your little home with your phone.

Unlike those sachet water sellers or local market sellers, you won’t be shouting at the top of your voice or even dragging them by the hands to buy your product.


What else can be so smarter than smart work?


First of all, I have sent you a 16 page Mini Importation Business Plan. 


This realistic step by step simple business guide will open your eyes to where and how to import, how much you need to start mini importation, how to establish your mini importation business like a PRO.


Secondly, I’m going to take another step by step blueprint of avoiding the challenges and doubts of importing from China that took me years to discover myself.


Then I will hand them over to you so you wouldn’t have to go through the loss of thousands of naira and time like I did.


I have recorded more than 50 HD video modules (including the intro video you just watched above) that will take you by the hands from being a novice to someone that will teach other people how to make money importing through mini importation.


I could charge you ₦50,000 ($120) for it and still wouldn’t be over charging.


But you are in luck.


It took me months to record and edit more than 50  direct action taking videos because I wanted the best from it.


There Are Only Three Things You Need to before you become successful in Mini Importation Business


Three. Not, 8 or 10 or 20.


Just three and you are good to go!


What are they?


Number 1: A Proven Mentor with a Proven System


A proven mentor is one who has stayed in the business of importation long enough to understand how it works and has developed a proven system to profit from the market.


Anybody can run a Mini Importation WhatsApp group masterclass but it takes someone who has mastered every bit of it to guide you and see you succeed in it.


Forget about the noise on social media. 


People can’t teach you what they don’t know.


But if you want to save yourself time and painful disappointment… you need a mentor to show you the way!


Number 2: A Solid Support System


Let’s talk…


How did you learn to walk as a child?


Those little supports from your mom and siblings. You would fall, they stood you up then you go again. You fell again, cried yet they gave you hope and supported you until you could walk by yourself.


That is what it is like when you’re starting a business with little or no idea of but with the assistance of people who have been in your same position.

Copy and paste groups care less about your growth. At the end, they remove you out of the same groups because they needed to add fresh batch.


You feel free to ask questions, send me personal messages, request for video calls and more.


Why won’t you be successful in that business when everyone is more concerned about your success?


Number 3: A Personal Commitment


Someone says they have no money to pay for a mentorship course that can add great value into one’s life but she takes the same money to buy something that will keep taking money out of her pocket.


How do you explain that?

Well… it is your responsibility to decide whether you want a better version of you or not and make a personal commitment to your personal development this 2023.


January, May are even gone. November will soon go…Before you know it, it will be another Christmas while you’re still same you procrastinating inside FREE masterclasses and groups.


Can I Help You Make 2023 Your Year of Personal Growth?


I am so passionate about business. With my passion to help you avoid those obstacles and the risk of managing your mini importation business, I am going to hold you by the hand until people start earning from your wealth of knowledge through my mentorship.


Only if you’re open and ready to learn.


  1. I will be working with you in drafting a business plan for your business. This business plan will work for any business you will do in future.
  2. I will guide you create a sales page like this my own for FREE where you can sell your product without spending money on a website designer which costs not less than ₦50,000. ($120)
  3. I will expose you to inventory secrets that will make you worry less about unsold goods.
  4. I will be creating a record keeping guide for all your sales, purchases, profit/loss.
  5. I will teach you how to be buying goods by yourself without the need for an agent. You can develop to be a procurement agent too and make money.
  6. I will walk you through on creating your profitable Facebook and Instagram Ads to sell your product – the exact steps I ran this ad.
  7. I will be helping you with undiluted marketing secrets and strategies that you can focus on to market whatever you import.
  8. If your only marketing channel is WhatsApp status or posting pictures on Instagram alone, I will expose to you why they suck and how you should reach more people that are willing to buy from you. No need to be dragging your contacts for not patronizing you.
  9. How you can leverage on my Chinese connection to check the quality of your product’s sample before they are shipped to Nigeria in order to avoid the risk of “what was expected is not what was received” of which my partner in China will assist you.
  10. Interactive like minded Community of smart mini importers.
  11. If you wish to establish a brand, I will lead you to best Chinese brands that will give you the best products to sell. Most mini importers don’t know about this.
  12. Starting from being a starter to a professional on how to import from Alibaba, 1688, Taobao and AliExpress on your own without needing a procurement agent.
  13. I will assist you in your first procurement so that you don’t make any mistakes.
  14. Feel free to video call me so that you can demonstrate yourself very well.
  15. One on One Mentoring.  There is no WhatsApp  Group Copy and Paste Masterclass. It is just you and I. No fear of asking questions in public.
  16. Forget about those list of 2000 Trusted Suppliers blah blah blah they always promise, I will teach you how to get any supplier’s contact you need.



  1. Advanced Introduction to Mini Importation Business
  2. Downloadable Resources for the course
  3. The Journey of importation from outsourcing to Nigeria or your country
  4. Comparing Platforms to start Mini Importation
  5. Countries to Start Mini Importation
  6. What you need to start Mini Importation Business

Mastering 1688 including Payment with Alipay – [3 hours : 5 minutes]

  1. Introduction to 1688 
  2. How to download 1688 mobile App
  3. How to register on 1688 and get verified immediately
  4. 1688 Mastery – Everything about 1688
  5. 1688 Product Research Text and Image Research
  6. 1688 Product and Suppliers Research – Understanding what to buy and who to buy from
  7. Understanding what to buy and who to buy from – part 2
  8. Supplier’s research 3
  9. How to Place Order on 1688, Add to cart, Add Address
  10. Alipay – Everything you need now now
  11. Live Steps on how to Pay with Alipay
  12. How to fund your alipay and send fund to suppliers.
  13. How to request for Refund from sellers
  14. How to contact your 1688 suppliers and talk to them in Chinese without downloading translator app – We have a very simple system that works for us. You don’t need Wechat.
  15. Alternative way to pay your suppliers directly on 1688 without having Alipay account.

Mastering Alibaba [30 minutes]

  1. Alibaba Supplier Seller’s Research Part 1
  2. Alibaba Supplier Seller’s Research Part 2
  3. Contacting Alibaba’s Suppliers
  4. How to manage Alibaba’s MOQ
  5. How to Place Order on Alibaba.

Understanding Shipping & Logistics – [22 minutes]

  1. List of Reliable Shipping Companies to use with their contacts
  2. How to write A Good Standard Shipping Mark to avoid missing goods.
  3. Shipping from Supplier to Shipping company Part 1
  4. Shipping from Supplier to Shipping company Part 2
  5. What to do before shipping to your country
  6. China to Nigeria Shipping Companies Comparison
  7. Obvious Suggestions.

Advanced Mastery & Marketing – [4 hours]

  1. Inventory Management 
  2. Inventory Management Extended + How much to make importing.
  3. Live Record Keeping – Watch me demonstrate how to take care of your finances using Excel to avoid money miss road.
  4. Automated Ecommerce – How to automate your mini importation sales
  5. WhatsApp Ecommerce – How to get customers place orders on WhatsApp
  6. Instagram Ecommerce – How to get customers place orders on Instagram.

Mastering AliExpress  [23 minutes: 27 seconds]

Everything AliExpress including custom shipping to your China address

Facebook Advertising & Marketing [1 hour : 53 minutes]

  1. Introduction to Facebook Advertising
  2. Creating Facebook Business Account
  3. Creating Facebook Ad Account
  4. Setting up FB Pixel
  5. Understanding FB Campaign
  6. Introduction to FB Ad Manager
  7. Creating Facebook Ad – Complete Walkthrough
  8. Running Ad with Your Mobile Ad Manager account
  9. More coming…

Landing Page Creation

  1. Introduction to Landing Page Creation
  2. Trying Landing Page with Disha
  3. Trying Landing page with MailChimp
  4. Creating your own Sales page with WordPress.

Mastering Preorder [1 hour : 45]

  1. Crazy mistakes to avoid before launching a Pre order sales
  2. Considering which suppliers to buy from
  3. Understanding how long it will take for your preorder goods to arrive your country.
  4. Analyzing the shipping and clearing fee to see how they affect your profits.
  5. How to download quality pictures for your preorder adverts.
  6. How to build your preorder list with buying customers 
  7. List of  weights of 100+  popular imported products from 1688
And that is 15 hours : 10 minutes. Yet new videos will be added.

If I asked you to give me ₦50,000 ($120), would you hesitate to do that? I bet No!

Normally, if you were to attend separate seminars to learn these 9 underground inner circle secrets, it would cost you not less than ₦5000 ($12) each without including mentorship.

That would be ₦35,000 ($85) for the seven yet you won’t still be taught well. Even if they charged you 5K each ($11), it would still be 14K ($77).

For a fleeting moment I thought of breaking this videos into 9 and selling them separately.

But guess what, I won’t be doing that – I have decided to package all these and give it to you at a price of One.

So instead of paying ₦35,000 ($85) for these 50+ videos on Mini Importation Course Mastering, all you need to do to get your hands on this super packaged video course + Mentorship is to pay a one-time commitment fee of ₦20,000 ($44). And you have just crushed 50% of your 2023 Goal.

Once you have paid for the Mini Importation Course, you will be redirected to our course dashboard where you will get access to all our videos and bonus PDFs.

I’m basically going to mentor you on how you are going to start a business through mini importation.

Our main module will be centered on

  • Crafting your business plan
  • Understanding your line of interest.
  • Defining your audience.
  • Deciding your market and what to buy.
  • Evaluating suppliers in any wholesale platform.
  • Creating your sales page. I have plans for a free landing page tool that accepts payment, collect emails, phone number for your future marketing. If you need a website, I will walk you through.
  • Facebook Messenger Chatbot to start selling on Messenger. Your competitors are ignoring chatbots, nobody has taught them that.
  • Marketing and branding strategies to grow your business.
  • How to build your nationwide Pay on delivery logistic team at the comfort of your home.
  • Reinvestment plan.

And guess what?

The mentorship is lifetime, one to one mentoring, We’re officially business partners.

The videos are lifetime. If you prefer direct chats, video calls with me to watching the videos courses then you have no problem.

If you prefer watching the videos first then asking me questions from what you jotted down, that is even more fantastic.

As you can see, importing goods is never our fundamental objective, we focus on what brings success to our business.

Mind you, I am not teaching you how to copy links from 1688 and start answering CEO Jenny’s Collections.  Olodo can do that. There is no big deal. That is why some people read my blog posts and become a mini importation coach overnight. 

I teach you business of buying and selling.

I would not need to write sweet things nor big titles about me to convince you.

But the truth is that I am always passionate about someone else success. I have helped a lot of people through my contents, technical assistance and name it.

If I wanted a fast money, I would simply run an ad for a 1000naira closed WhatsApp group masterclass (as they always call it) and copy and paste.

Class ended in less than 2 hours. Now you have to pay for an additional money for advanced class.

Why would I deny myself Christmas cruise & waste my precious time recording over 7 hours videos with whiteboard illustrations if I didn’t mean the business?

I have shared some pictures that you need to consider. The Facebook names are real, you can search them and possibly ask them about me.

Also, look up for my name on Facebook “Chuks Amobi”, the post is still on my profile. Browse the commenters profiles and ask them whatever you wish to know.

You might have seen a lot of offers like online or probably have paid for some but it didn’t happen as you have expected.

You have every reason to disregard me as well but I just hope I could be one of those brightest decisions you will make in 2023.

Feel very free to ask me any question regarding this mentoring on WhatsApp – 07082111555.

I want to be a part of your entrepreneurial journey and that is why I will grant you access to my first class mini importation video course + a lifetime Mentorship for only ₦20,000 today ($44).

“₦20,000 is too much na Haba!”

₦20,000 is exactly the price of a pair of shoe, or medium size pizza and two 60CL cokes.

Shoes can be worn out and be thrown away. Pizza and 60CL cokes will be buried down the toilet.

I’m sure we spent more than 20,000 in the last Christmas. Sadly, it can’t be recovered again. It is gone!


One thing about your shoe is that it’s going to wear off and tear. But this Powerful Mini Importation Skillset together with its Mentorship Program will change your life forever within the next 6 months.

Which is a better decision?

Buying a couple of shoes you would have to dump one day, fixing of nails you will change one day or even pizza that will be washed down the toilet or investing in a hot selling skill you would benefit for the rest of your life?

Immediately after enrollment, I’m going to give you a box-full of free bonuses worth ₦55, 000 ($120) at no extra expenses.

  • Where to find hot selling products and How
  • Digital Advertising Cheatsheet – Facebook, Instragram, Funnel
  • How to create an online store without having to pay for websites and hosting (VIDEO)
  • Understanding your budget before deciding to buy a product (PDF)
  • Secrets to Sell to your customers without dragging them by hands (PDF).
  • Financial Management in Mini Importation (PDF)
  • How to effortless deal with Pay on Delivery (PDF)
  • How to sell on Jumia or Konga without even having a product and shipping to your customers. (PDF)
  • Access to a GRADE AA Luxury Shoe brands and Apparels supplier  in China.
  • Access to the Shipping Company that I personally use in China (PDF) 

This is my little way of saying thank you for doing business with me.


PAY  ₦20,000 TODAY









To pay in USD, send me a message on +2347082111555.

If you have an alternative means to pay, contact me on WhatsApp – 07082111555 or Phone call.



You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If after purchasing this course you don’t feel like you are getting way too much value for what you paid for within 72 hours, just let me know and I’ll send you a prompt refund – No stories. I value my reputation more than any amount you can afford to pay me.

Freightya.com is not in any way affiliated with FACEBOOK ™ nor Alibaba.com. Although the information in this book may be very useful. Nor is anything in this book intended to be a fast money generator, get rich quick scheme, or cure for any specific kind of psychological, emotions. Each person has unique needs and this book cannot take these individual differences into account.

Copyright 2021 Freightya 
