
How to Download 1688 App English Version?

In this article, you will learn how to download 1688 app for your iPhone or Android smartphone. We will also explain whether you can download 1688 app English version or not.


How to download 1688 app on iPhone

  1. Open App Store
  2. Type “1688

  3. Click to download on the first option as I have circled above in the image.
  4. You should wait until it is downloaded into your iPhone.


How to download 1688 app on Android


The 1688 app is not officially on Play Store. This means you cannot download 1688 app from Play Store at the moment. But you can download 1688 from App store in iPhone.


What other ways can I get 1688 app?


You can download the 1688 app from the 1688.com website.


Steps to download 1688 mobile app
  1. Open your Chrome browser. If you do not have one, install it from play store.
  2. Visit this link www.1688.com

    download 1688 app android

  3. Click on the icon that is circled
  4. Click on the big orange button. That is the download button.
  5. It may prompt you to get access to your file manager from Chrome. Kindly accept it.
  6. It may warm you from downloading apps outside of Play store, kindly agree to it and download.
  7. After download, locate the download and click to install.
  8. Viola…your 1688 app is downloaded, and ready for mini importation.


How can I download 1688 app English version?

Want to talk to Chuks about procurement & shipping? Talk to me on WhatsApp - +2347082111555


Sadly, there is no official English version of 1688 app. The app comes with a native Chinese language with no option of changing or switching between languages.


Whatever app you download from Play store in the name of 1688 app English version, it is not the main app.


How can I translate the 1688 app to English?


Sadly, just like I have stated above, there is no way to translate the 1688 app to Enlgish. Meanwhile, there may be some third-party apps promising to offer translation for the 1688 app. That is still possible but with limitations.


They can only translate a page and not the entire app.


Let us know what you think from the comment below.


CEO & Founder at Freightya. He loves sharing useful information for small business on importation. He is unbiased in his thoughts. For importation, mentorship, feel free to reach out to Chuks.

11 thoughts on “How to Download 1688 App English Version?”
  • Victoria kelechi ezebunawa says:

    I love this sir…. You really put me through my worries… I want to start a pre-order but don’t know how to start. But you are the best. Will chat you up on whatsapp sir.

    May 5, 2023 at 11:04 am
    • Chuks Amobi says:

      Great to see that you found this useful. Thank you.

      – Chuks

      May 5, 2023 at 4:05 pm
      • Amadi Chizoba says:

        Mine is saying app not installed that is after downloading it

        December 8, 2023 at 2:58 am
  • Divine says:

    Am divine
    I also want to start up a small business to help my self in school cuz am a student. I already have d 1688 app downloaded on my phone pls sir I’ll really need ur assistance on how to order and shipping company and agents thank u hope to hear ur reply

    May 19, 2023 at 12:03 pm
  • Usama meena says:

    I loved the application

    May 30, 2023 at 10:00 pm
  • Max says:

    Need urgent help for setup…

    June 5, 2023 at 3:44 am
  • Nwachukwu chika Steven says:

    I want to start a business

    July 5, 2023 at 12:29 pm
  • Helen says:

    I’m really interested. I need a guide on how to start business. The app not yet downloaded

    July 21, 2023 at 4:14 pm
  • Boluwatife says:

    Pls can the app be translated in English cus it hard to understand it and I’m student wanna start preorder as a side hustle

    August 18, 2023 at 9:15 am
  • Boluwatife says:

    Please how can the app be translated in English cus it hard to understand it and I’m student wanna start preorder as a side hustle

    August 18, 2023 at 9:17 am
  • Angel Igwe says:

    Thank you so much sir. This was really helpful and easy, I really appreciate it

    August 20, 2023 at 1:46 am
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